“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”
Matthew 6:33
Who We Are
The Cardinal Legacy Foundation a group of Alumni, Parents, and Community Supporters who have come together to help SAVE BIG ISLAND CATHOLIC EDUCATION. Founded by a tenacious group of individuals dedicated to saving Saint Joseph School and its 151-year legacy after facing being shut down in May 2020. Although we are not an official Part of Saint Joseph School or Saint Joseph Parish, members of our foundation are working closely with both entities to ensure that the school remains an integral part of our local Catholic Community for many years to come! With the support of many loving donors and supporters we were successful in our combined efforts to raise over $541,000.00 (and counting) to save our beloved school. The Saint Joseph community has proven that through adversity you discover strength that you never knew you had! We look forward to the future and the many generations that will walk thru the halls of Saint Joseph School just as the many generations did before them.